
7 Excellent Restaurants Serving the Best Pho in Seattle

If you want to relish the best pho in Seattle, you much visit these restaurants. The famous Vietnamese dish is a soup having broth, rice noodles, herbs, and meat. The dish is so favorite that it was listed at number 28 on World’s 50 most delicious foods compiled by CNN Go in 2011. The way pho is presented is quite excellent as it is served in a bowl with a distinctive cut of flat rice noodles in clear broth, with thin cuts of beef. 

Its variations feature slow-cooked tendon and meatballs in southern Vietnam. Chicken pho is made using similar spices as beef, but the broth uses chicken meat. Pho is typically served with greens, herbs, vegetables, and other ingredients, such as dipping sauces, hot and spicy pastes such as Sriracha, and a squeeze of lime or lemon juice. It is also served with hoisin sauce. It is garnished with green onions, white onions, and Thai basil.

 Restaurants Serving the Best Pho in Seattle

So, if you want to taste the hot and spicy pho, you must visit these restaurants which serve the best pho in Seattle.


Pho Than Brothers

pho than brothers best pho in seattle Pho Than Brothers is one of the most popular restaurants serving the best pho in Seattle. It has been serving pho in greater Seattle since 1996. PTB is now a household name in Emerald City and its neighboring areas such as Aurora, Ballard and Broadway, and Crossroads.

Its pho variations include Tai, Tai Chin, Tai Nam, Tai Sach, Pho Ga, Pho Bo Vien, and Pho Chay. PTB provides both dine-in and takeaway facilities, so it becomes easy to relish your favorite pho at your convenience. Its popularity has featured in notable daily newspapers such as The Seattle Times and Seattle Weekly.

Address: 527 Broadway E, Seattle, WA 98102


Contact: 206-568-7218


Pho Viet Anh (Best pho in Seattle)

 pho viet anhPho Viet Anh serves yummy and aromatic Vietnamese dishes made with fresh ingredients in Seattle. Serving the local Seattle community and visitors worldwide, Pho Viet Anh has become a popular destination for those looking for casual dining, date nights, self-care meals, and many more. PVA is one of the most popular spots serving the best pho in Seattle since 2005 and gratifying its customers.

Apart from serving pho, it also serves shrimp salad rolls, tofu salad rolls, pork & shrimp salad rolls, grilled pork, grilled beef short ribs, and lemongrass onion chicken. You can have delicious snacks here with the beverages they serve, such as ices tea, young coconut juice, and other popular, packed soft drinks. It is indeed the best place to hang out with your friends in the evening.

Address: 2621 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98121


Contact: 206-352-1881


Hot As Pho

hot as pho best pho in seattleHot As pho proudly serves you the most authentic Vietnamese food in the downtown Seattle area. It’s a family restaurant making the best Pho noodle bowls you will ever have, tasty rice dishes with grilled selection. Moreover, they also have bubble tea drinks that will make you all want more! They also have the best vegetarian pho Seattle serves to its customers.

Once you visit the restaurant, you should not miss trying their tasty Vietnamese sandwiches, which are delicious and popular in Seattle. It is a great restaurant that is recommended to stop by. The service is high-speed and friendly here. Indoor seating is also available. It is an ideal place to spend an amazing time with your family and friends relishing the best Vietnamese food in Seattle. 

Address: 1414 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101


Contact: 206-748-9934


Pho So 1

Pho So 1Pho So 1 is the best choice for Vietnamese foods such as the namesake noodle soup & rice with toppings in Seattle. Their beef pho is outstanding, and their coffee is also very aromatic. The staff is very amiable and consider customers’ service their top priority. Pho So 1 is one of the unique places to have the best pho in Seattle.

If you wish to have a good evening with your friends munching the delicious and hot Vietnamese pho in Seattle, you must visit Pho So 1. This place has been serving Seattle pho lovers passionately for more than a decade. Though all the dishes are excellent, Bo Hue and Pho Bo are always recommended for rainy days in Seattle. 

Address: 1207 S Jackson St #107, Seattle, WA 98144

Contact: 206-860-2824


Huong Duong Restaurant That Serves The Best Pho

huong duong restaurantHuong Duong is one of the most down-to-earth restaurants serving the best pho in Seattle 2020. The menu there is very wide-ranged, right from appetizers to desserts. Their Fresh Salad Rolls and Crispy Salad Rolls are the most demanded snack. Their mixed vegetable soup is especially for veggie lovers. 

 When you visit there, you must taste their incredible range of salads such as Mango Salad, Papaya Salad, and Lotus Salad. Even their noodles such as Sunflower Noodle and Lemongrass Noddle are top. When it comes to pho, they have an assortment of Delux Beef Pho, Custom Pho, Rare Beef Pho, Meat Ball Pho, Chicken Pho, Vegetarian Pho, Seafood Pho, and much more.

 Address: 7136 Martin Luther King Jr Way S #103, Seattle, WA 98118


 Contact: 206-849-7794



Dong Thap Noodles

Dong Thap NoodlesDong Thap Noodles offers meals of excellent quality, and heartfully invites customers to try out their delicious food. Their key to success is providing quality, consistent food that tastes great every single time. They also take pride in serving their customers delicious and genuine Vietnamese dishes as they serve the best pho in Seattle.

If you are planning to hang out with your friends, you must visit Dong Thap Noodles, where you can eat delicious Vietnamese food and grab a drink; however, most of all, relax and spend gala time! Moreover, their online delivery services are superb. So, food delivery from Dong Thap Noodles is undoubtedly your best choice whenever you want to get served like a king.

Address: 303 12th Ave S Suite A, Seattle, WA 98144


Contact: 206-325-1122


The Dressing Room: Bistro & Bar by Can Can (Scrumptious Pho in Seattle)

The Dressing Room Bistro & Bar by Can CanThe famous restaurant, The Dressing Room, is inspired by the look and feel of Can Can’s performer dressing room. It features two seating sections for outdoor and indoor reservations. The outdoor patio highlighted by Parisian details and lush foliage features dreamy views of the Puget Sound from Post Alley. The indoor bistro has intimate booth seating and décor inspired by Can Can’s collection of costumes from its catalog of shows. 

So, whether you’re celebrating special occasions with friends or romancing your crush, this new bar and bistro will undoubtedly serve up an enchanting culinary and cocktail experience. Moreover, they also have a theatre. So, if you have tickets to a show in The Theatre, reservations for the Dressing Room: Bistro and Bar are unnecessary. The theatre also includes a full table, cocktail, wine, and dinner service.

Address: 1530 1/2 Post Alley, Seattle, WA 98101


Contact: 206-652-0832


Love for Vietnamese food is gaining popularity day by day, especially in the US. Globalization has made it easy to relish international cuisines at your place, and that is why people can have Vietnamese food everywhere in the World with no hassle. So, all those who wish to taste the best pho in Seattle should visit the restaurants mentioned above and have a great time with their family and friends.

Also check out – Best seafood in Seattle

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